Valérie Côté, Ph.D.

Completed in the lab her PhD in neuropsychology - Research and intervention, University of Montreal

Valérie Côté completed a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a concentration in research and intervention at University Laval (Québec). She then completed her Ph.D. in research and intervention (clinical neuropsychology profile) at University of Montreal.She has worked in Quebec and Bolivia with individuals with intellectual disability. Valérie is interested in cerebral plasticity which may explain cognitive and behavioural difficulties in populations with intellectual disability. She investigates the underlying mechanisms of learning in intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. The ultimate goal is to have a better understanding of the specific traits of every syndrome. This will lead to the development of specifically adapted interventions, which will allow affected individuals to develop their full potential in society. Awards ans scholarships Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies Scholarship (FRQNT) 2017-2019 Jean-Marc Chevrier Scholarship, Psychology departement, Université de Montréal, december 2016-2017 Departemental Scholarship, Psychology departement, Université de Montréal, january to march 2015 Direct access to PhD Scholarship, Faculté des études supérieures et post-doctorales de l’Université de Montréal (FESP), september 2014-2017 Honourable mention from the dean of the Social Sciences’ faculty, University Laval, 2011 and 2012