Completed his Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montreal
Marc-Antoine Boucher has successfully completed a Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal. He was involved in several projects in medical imaging including the development of a detection software on defective x-ray panels at Analogic Canada.He then completed a Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering under the supervision of Samuel Kadoury (Polytechnique) and Sarah Lippé. In his project he is developing new software methods for screening neurobehavioral diseases in neonates with 3D Ultrasound. Ultrasound is usually interpreted in 2D but volume analyses allow for a better detection of abnormalities since MRI is challenging with neonates. Awards and scholarships :
Master's Award A grant, Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologie (FQRNT), 2017-2018, 15 000$