PhD student in neuropsychology - Research and intervention, University of Montreal
Florence has completed her B.A in Honors Psychology from University of Montreal in 2017. She has received the mention of excellence from the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science each year (2014-2017). In the summer of 2016, Florence received an undergrad student research award from the NSERC, allowing her to work as a research assistant for the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS). There she worked with Dr. Sylvie Hébert on the modulation of central auditory gain control in individuals suffering from tinnitus. Thereafter, she worked on the characterisation of chronic tinnitus. She also volunteered as an accompanying person at the Douglas Mental Health Institute and the Hôtel Dieu de Montreal. Recently, Florence worked as day camp counsellor at the home for parents of disabled children in the Laurentides. She completed her Master’s degree in psychology under the supervision of Dr. Lippé in September 2018. Her project investigated the relation between stress experienced by children and their repetition suppression response during a learning task administered an electroencephalography (EEG). Florence started her Ph.D (Research & Intervention, Neuropsychology) in 2018. Her project investigates the predictive value of the cerebral learning response on cognitive development and adaptive skills in infants. Awards and scholarships :
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), May 2016, 4 500$
Supplement to the USRA, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Août 2016, 2 000$
Master's Award A grant, Fonds de recherché du Québec – Nature et technologie (FRQNT) 2017-2019, 20 000$
Doctoral Research Award, NSERC, 2019-2022, 21 000$