Fanny Thebault-Dagher, B.Sc.

PhD student in neuropsychology - Research and intervention, University of Montreal

Fanny Thébault-Dagher completed her B.Sc. in Honors Psychology from University of Montreal in April 2014. During this period, she worked as a research assistant at the Laboratory for education on schizophrenia and psychoses oriented to intervention and recovery, at the Laboratoire de conduite automobile and at the Developmental Neuropsychology Laboratory ABCs. She also worked at the Association de parents de l’enfance en difficulté with children who suffer from intellectual disabilities. Fanny began her Ph.D (Research / Intervention, Neuropsychology) with Dr. Lippé in 2014. As such, she is studying stress reactivity and cognitive development in children with a history of Febrile Seizures. Awards and scholarships : Undergraduate Student Research Awards, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), May 2013, 4 500$ Master's Award A grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), September 2014-2015, 17 500$ Prize from the Faculty of graduate and postgraduate studies at University of Montreal (FESP) for the best oral presentation at the 24e Journée scientifique du Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie et Cognition (CERNEC), March 2016, 500$ Scholarships for students fast-tracking to a doctorate, FESP, September 2014-2017, 10 000$ / year Master’s Training Award, Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQ-S), September 2015-2017, 14 500$ / year Doctoral Training Award, FRQ-S (offer declined) Doctoral Research Award, CIHR, September 2017-2020, 30 000$ / year