Domitille Malfait completed a master in psychology in 2008, with a concentration in abnormal clinical psychology at the École des Psychologues Praticiens and a two-year internship at the Hôpital Neurologique de Lyon (France) in child psychiatry. She then completed an internship in clinical neuropsychology focusing on children and adolescents at the Centre d’Évaluation Neuropsychologique et d’Orientation Pédagogique F.L (Canada). At the same time, between 2008 and 2010, she obtained a Diplôme d’Études Supérieures Spécialisées (DESS) at the Université du Québec à Montréal in behavioral intervention in a population suffering from pervasive developmental disorder and worked for one year with this particular population (Canada). She then completed a Ph.D program in psychology, specifically focusing in areas of cognitive sciences and neuropsychology at the Université de Montréal and obtained her Ph.D. in 2015 with an award of excellence to highlight the quality of her work. In her thesis, she investigated the development of children with benign epilepsy. Due to a wide variety of investigation methods used in her studies, she examined the cognitive and developmental aspects of these children as well as the neuroanatomical and functional aspects (MRI and fMRI) found within this specific population.