Completed in the lab her Psy.D. in neuropsychology - clinical neuropsychology, University of Montreal
Camille completed her Bachelor in Honors Psychology at University of Montreal in April 2015. During this period, she worked as research assistant in the Driving laboratory, participated in a student exchange to the University d’Aix-Marseille in France and conducted a study on musical prodigies in the international laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS). Camille then completed a PhD in psychology, option clinical neuropsychology (D.Psy). Under the supervision of Dr. Lippé, she studied the impact of social evaluation of newborns on their learning capacities. Awards and scholarships:
Mention of excellence, Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Montreal, 2013-2014-2015
Departmental scholarship, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, 2016, 2310$
Departmental scholarship, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, 2015, 2750$
Mobility grant, Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sports (MEES), 2014, 4000$