PhD student in neuropsychology - Research and intervention, University of Montreal
Emilie completed her B.A. in Honors Psychology from Concordia University in 2009, where she pursued an interest for neuropsychology. During this period, she also worked as a volunteer at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), working to update and norm several neuropsychological tests for the evaluation of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Following graduation, she continued working at the MNI for two years in the preoperative evaluation of epilepsy and brain tumor patients. As such, presurgical mapping of cognitive functions using fMRI as well as intra-operative neuropsychological testing were performed. Having developed a particular interest in neuroimaging and having always had an interest in pediatric neuropsychology, Emilie began her Ph.D (Research & Intervention, Neuropsychology) with Dr. Lippé in 2011. As such, she is currently studying the cognitive development of babies and children having suffered from early life prolonged complex febrile seizures by means of neuropsychological testing as well as structural MRI. Awards and scholarships:
Master's Award A grant, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), September 2011-2012, 17 500$.
Bourse formation maîtrise, Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), September 2012-2013, 15 000$.
First prize for best poster presentation, 20th annual CERNEC scientific day, St-Sauveur, Qc, Canada, March 17th 2012, 500$
Bourse formation doctorale, Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), September 2013-2016, 20 000$/year.